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Writer's pictureGFCSC - Keith

GFCSC AGM - Postponed

Updated: Sep 14

Please note - Due to a family bereavement, the GFCSC AGM has been postponed. We will announce a new date and time ASAP. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The GFCSC Annual General Meeting will take place on TBA. For the very first time, and to make it more convenient for all members, the AGM will be held online using Google Meet.

The meeting will begin at 7.30pm and will end by 8.30pm. Members, who have provided us with an email address, will be sent a link and log in instructions a few days prior to the meeting.

The meeting will see the elected GFCSC officers give their annual reports, before answering questions on the GFCSC and what the future holds. If you would like to submit a question, please e-mail and we will do our very best to answer the all during the meeting.

Documents -

Documents for the AGM will be added below. All documents are passworded. Members have been sent the password in our latest newsletter, but if you are a member and require the password, please email

  • Chairman and Treasure Report - 2024

  • Income and expenditure for year ending 31st May 2024. Audited by John Skilling -

We look forward to seeing as many of you in attendance as possible.

If you are unable to attend and would like your apologies recorded, or would like to raise an agenda item for discussion, please email

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